Dearborn Office

1105 Washington St, Dearborn, MI 48124


(313) 552-3375

Dearborn Office

1105 Washington St, Dearborn, MI 48124


(313) 552-3375

Understanding Order Modifications

Order modifications refer to changes made to a divorce decree or court order after it has been finalized. In Michigan, these modifications are governed by state law and require a legal process to be followed. It is important for individuals seeking modifications to understand the process and seek legal advice to ensure that their rights are protected.

To request a modification, the individual must file a modification request with the court. This request must outline the reasons for the requested changes and provide supporting documentation. It is crucial to present a compelling case to the court to increase the chances of the modification being granted.

What Qualifies for a Post Judgement Modification?

To qualify for a post-decree modification in Michigan there must be a significant change in circumstances that warrants the change. This means that the circumstances of the individual or the child involved must have changed substantially since the divorce decree was finalized.

Examples of significant changes that may qualify for a modification include:

  • A change in employment or financial situation that affects the ability to pay child support or spousal support.
  • A change in the child's needs or best interests, such as health issues or a change in living arrangements.
  • A change in the parent's ability to provide a safe and stable environment for the child.
  • A change in the parent's relocation or desire to move with the child.

    It is important to seek legal advice when determining if a significant change in circumstances exists and if it qualifies for a modification. An experienced family law attorney can provide guidance and help navigate the legal process.

    Child Support Modifications


    Child Custody Modifications

    Child custody modifications refer to changes made to the custody arrangements outlined in a divorce decree. In lower Michigan, individuals may seek modifications to child custody if there is a significant change in circumstances that affects the child’s well-being.

    To request changes in child custody, it is advisable to consult with an experienced child custody modification attorney. Our modification lawyer at Artisan Legal Services, PLLC can guide you through the legal process and help present a compelling case to the court.

    Circumstances That Warrant Custody Changes

    Circumstances that warrant child custody changes in Michigan usually involve a significant change that affects the child's well-being. It is crucial to understand the specific requirements outlined by state law and seek legal advice to navigate the process effectively.

    Some common circumstances that may warrant child custody changes include:

  • Relocation: If one parent plans to move, it may require a modification of the custody arrangement to ensure the child's best interests are met.
  • Change in living arrangements: If one parent's living situation has significantly changed, it may impact the child's well-being and require a modification of the custody arrangement.
  • Change in the child's needs: If the child's needs have changed, such as requiring additional medical care or therapy, a modification may be necessary.

    Navigating the process of requesting custody changes can be complex. Seeking the assistance of an experienced custody modification lawyer can help ensure that the child's best interests are protected throughout the modification process.
  • Spousal Support Modifications

    Modifications to spousal support (alimony) involve changing the payment amount or duration detailed in a divorce decree. In Michigan, individuals may seek modifications to spousal maintenance if there is a financial hardship or a substantial change in circumstances.

    To request changes in spousal support or alimony, individuals must go through the modification process, which may involve filing a modification request, attending a court hearing, and providing supporting evidence. It is important to seek legal advice and guidance from an experienced spousal maintenance modification attorney to navigate the process effectively.

    Changing Financial Circumstances and Their Effects on Alimony

    Changing financial circumstances can have a significant impact on alimony payments. If a paying spouse experiences a financial hardship or a substantial change in circumstances, they may seek a modification of their spousal support obligation.

    To request changes in spousal support, individuals must provide detailed financial information that demonstrates the change in circumstances. This may include documentation such as tax returns, pay stubs, and other financial records.

    Navigating the modification process can be complex, and it is advisable to seek the assistance of an experienced family law attorney. Our modification attorney can help gather the necessary financial information, prepare a compelling case, and represent the individual's interests during the court hearing.


    How Artisan Legal Services, PLLC Can Assist

    Artisan Legal Services, PLLC is an experienced family law based out of Dearborn, MI that can provide assistance and support for individuals seeking post-decree modifications throughout all of Lower Michigan.

    With their expertise in family law and personalized legal strategies, Artisan Legal Services, PLLC can guide individuals through the modification process. They can help gather necessary evidence, prepare compelling cases, and represent their client’s interests during court hearings. By working with an experienced modification attorney, individuals can ensure that their rights and interests are protected throughout the modification process, including any changes to child support payments. If you are facing a post-decree modification in Lower Michigan, contact Artisan Legal Services, PLLC for assistance from an experienced modifications attorney.


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